DRY SALT THERAPY - Halotherapy

Dry Salt Therapy aka Halotherapy is a Non-invasive & 100% Drug-Free Therapeutic Method.

Bringing the salt mines to Winter Park

At CMC Health and Wellness in Winter Park, FL, we are thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking Dry Salt Therapy to our community! Step into our sanctuary of rejuvenation and experience the invigorating benefits of halotherapy. In our cutting-edge facility, clients immerse themselves in a haven of wellness, surrounded by the therapeutic essence of salt-infused air. This transformative therapy not only soothes the respiratory system, providing relief from conditions like asthma and allergies, but it also revitalizes the skin, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.

About Dry Salt Halotherapy

Salt mines are an old remedy for improving many health conditions. Halotherapy accounts for a relatively new, completely natural therapeutic remedy which does not call for any pharmacological administration and is based on the healing capacities of natural salt micronized and released into an indoor environment by means of specific techniques. Our halotherapy chamber offers an artificial salt-mine environment.

How Halotherapy Works

Halotherapy is administered by an aerosol system. Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy that utilizes a halogenerator to grind and crush salt into micronized particles that are dispersed into the SALT Booth® via a dry salt aerosol that works to aid respiratory concerns and skin conditions. Without the halogenerator, there is no halotherapy.

What Halotherapy Does

Halotherapy is a natural and safe treatment without serious side effects. This method is very beneficial for the overall wellness of a person by improving function and removing toxic substances from respiratory system, improving the function and appearance of the skin, boosting the immune system and reducing stress. The comfort and tranquility of our salt booth is the perfect setting to relax, unwind and decompress.

Our Winter Park Salt Booth

The difference between a Salt Room versus a Salt Booth is the cubic airspace. In the 4x4 Salt Booth, the client receives higher concentration levels of the Dry Salt. This is the reason why it only takes a 10-minute session to receive the full dose and full effect of 99.99% Dry Salt Therapy vs. 45 minutes in a Salt Room.

  • In a matter of just 10 minutes, our clients are able to experience the full benefits that Dry Salt has to offer, in multiple clinical conditions, without have to sit for 45 minutes in one place, amongst other Salt clients sharing the room.

  • Our Winter Park Salt Booth is located in its own room, offering a private setting to sit back, close your eyes, relax, wind down, fall asleep, read or whatever.

  • 10-minute session are also beneficial with treatments requiring frequency for period of a few weeks/months. It’s time efficient and more effective than the dosage received in Salt Rooms.

Passes & Packages

Salt Booth Pass

1 Session Pass……….$40

3 Session Pass……….$110 ($10 savings)

9 Session Pass………$315 ($45 savings)

Family Package

1 month $499 total of 16 sessions ($141 savings)

3 months $1,440 total of 48 sessions ($480 savings)

*can be transferrable to any immediate family member

Corporate Package

6 months $2,690, total of 96 sessions ($1,150 savings)

*can be split between 3 employees of 32 sessions each

Halotherapy Dry Salt Booth FAQ

What is halotherapy

The therapeutic benefits of salt have been known for centuries but were not clearly defined until the 1800s, when salt miners in Eastern Europe found they could breathe better while working. Consequently, the general public began spending time in salt mines. In the mid-1900s, the Russians created a device known as a halogenator that grinds pure salt into microscopic particles and disperses them in the air. Modern halotherapy grew out of using this device in a climate-controlled room/booth and has been utilized for several decades throughout Eastern Europe.

In the US, saline (salt), which you may recognize in the forms of nebulizer treatments, sinus irrigations, dry inhalation – has been widely recognized by researchers and physicians as beneficial to the upper and lower airways. What is the action of salt in these treatments? Inhalation absorbs allergens and pollutants, accelerates the transportation of mucous, and reduces airway inflammation.

What has been proven in clinical research trials?

Dry Salt/ Therapy/Halotherapy Research has proven to aid in positive outcomes for many health-related conditions. Regular use of dry salt therapy/Halotherapy is shown to benefit many chronic skin AND respiratory conditions and most sufferers experience sustained results. Treatment Protocols are built upon the research. For example: a minimum of 4 sessions/week for chronic conditions such as Allergies, Asthma, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Eczema, Psoriasis (see Treatment Chart below for full list) may improve symptoms dramatically for some.

There have been numerous studies conducted so far on halotherapy - mainly focused on lower airways conditions (cystc fibrosis, bronchitis, asthma, etc.)

What’s new are the interesting aspects emerging from recent studies involving lymphatic components and therefore, more studies are being considered for the real impact of halotherapy on adenotonsillar component and co-morbidities, such as ear conditions and sleep disorders.

  • Halotherapy, in one study, had shown to have a statistically significant effect on Otitis Media Ear infections (OME). This study suggested that the “potential mechanisms of action could be attributed to the decongestion of nasal passages and tubaric orifice respiratory mucosa, as well as to a restored mucociliary clearance that would favor middle ear aeration-draining mechanisms.”

  • Halotherapy was found to be partially effective in reducing adenotonsillar hypertrophy (lymphatic component). -M. Gelardi et al. / International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 77 (2013) 1818–1824

What are the health benefits of halotherapy

  • mucolytic

  • antibacterial

  • anti-inflammatory

  • immunomodulating

  • hyposensitizing

How does halotherapy benefit the respiratory and immune system?

Clinical trials evidence dry salt particles accelerate the transportation of mucus, elimination of residual toxic substances as well as foreign allergens. The application of salt therapy results in a clean respiratory system, providing it with a higher oxygen intake, which then increases energy. Total outcome effect has shown to improve the immune system.

Halotherapy is indicated in most respiratory diseases, including:

  • respiratory tract infections

  • asthma

  • allergic and chronic bronchitis

  • frequent colds

  • pharyngitis

  • sinusitis

  • rhinitis

  • tonsillitis

  • pneumonia, after an acute stage

  • cystic fibrosis.

Does halotherapy benefit skin, beauty, and anti-aging?

Scientific research has confirmed halotherapy having an influence over not only superficial layers of the skin, however, deeper layers of the skin as well. Dry salt provides both healing AND cosmetic effects. The actual activity of how this occurs is in the skin cell ion channels – it increases the activity within these channels. The process activates electrophysiological activity which has shown to improve the skin’s protective properties. Furthermore, halotherapy leads to pH normalization, stimulating reparative AND regenerative processes in BOTH the epidermis and derma, and thereby increases skin rigidity

Halotherapy is an alternative treatment method in numerous respiratory and skin diseases. It has insignificant side effects. The fashion in which this therapy is delivered has shown to have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of patients (stress, fatigue, headache). This treatment is easily workable with children as well. Studies have shown positive results from the therapy last for more than a year. It is stated in one study that if combined with other physical therapy methods, as well as with pharmacological therapy, halotherapy is a great treatment choice for mild and moderate forms of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, post-pneumonia states and various other respiratory and skin diseases.

How can halotherapy be beneficial to skincare?

Dry salt therapy for skincare

As we age, our skin is the first organ to show the impact of time and life. Dry salt therapy is an excellent, cost-effective and simple option to improve the overall quality and appearance of the skin. Regular Halotherapy can be the most important tool that aids the healthy aging process of the skin.

Dry salt therapy improves the integumentary system

Our skin is a very complex and intelligent organ that has many important functions. It is the largest organ and, like the respiratory system, it has a major role to protect and defend the body against bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. It excretes wastes, regulates temperature, and prevents dehydration by controlling the level of perspiration. It houses sensory receptors that detect pain, sensation, and pressure. Increases skin rigidity, stimulates growth, and improves hair health. Impacts skin microcirculation, assists cellular membrane activity (that is used in dermatology and cosmetology) by enhancing their effectiveness.

What skin conditions does dry salt therapy treat?

Regular and consistent dry salt therapy may help people with the following skin conditions:

  • Psoriasis

  • Itching

  • Eczema

  • Swelling & Inflammation

  • Dermatitis

  • Dry & Flaky Skin

  • Acne

  • Rashes

  • Rosacea

  • Onychomycosis

  • Skin Aging

NOTE: Please keep in mind that for the skin conditions mentioned above, the recommendation is for high concentration and aggressive administration of dry salt & the consistency of the sessions are the key elements for successful results.

Is halotherapy safe for everyone?

Pregnant women should consult, and seek clearance, with their doctor before using Halotherapy. Also, this treatment is not recommended for people actively sick with a contagious disease, fever, open wounds. It is also not advised for those with lung cancer, severe hypertension (>180/>120) , severe congestive heart failure to the list right after severe hypertension, mental disorders and active tuberculosis. Caution should be exercised for any patients with claustrophobia.

Halotherapy is recognized as a safe and effective wellness practice. Research has shown treatments to provide both restorative and preventive health care. It is not a medical treatment and does not offer a cure!

**Anyone with serious health concerns needs to seek proper medical advice and care.

Is there any possible side effects?

During the treatment itself, certain side effects might be observed, such as increased coughing and more abundant secretion. Which is actually considered a positive effect because it leads to respiratory tract clearing and it is a signal for a change and adaptation of the organism to the specific irritant.

Skin irritations are rare side effects and are normally resolved by the third or fifth session. Conjunctivitis, as result of irritation of the mucoid membrane, is rarely observed. It is not a reason to interrupt the sessions. In such cases, it is recommended to keep the eyes closed when spending time in the salt room change to salt booth.

How long is a session in the booth?

Each session is 10 minutes

CMC Health & Wellness


MONDAY: 9:00 AM–7:00 PM

TUESDAY: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

WEDNESDAY: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM

THURSDAY: 9:00 AM–7:00 PM

FRIDAY: 9:00 AM–2:00



7151 University Blvd. Suite 120

Winter park, Fl 32792

7151 University Blvd Suite 120, Orlando, FL 32792, USA

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